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13 octubre, 2011

Esta es la entrada que os dije ayer. Empezamos con ella:

Garyuu Sutoraiken (臥竜ストライケン)
Dormant Dragon Stryken
Grade 2, 10k Power, Kai called it as Vanguard in Vol 2, Chapter 5.
This unit cannot attack. When attacked by your opponent’s non-boosted unit, power +5000. When you ride another card on top of this unit, that unit power +5000, critical +1.

Mashinningu Sutaagubiitoru (マシンニング・スターグビートル)
Machining Stag Beetle
Grade 3, 10k Power, Some Foo Fighter guy called it as Vanguard in Vol 2, Chapter 5.
Move 2 units from your soul to your rear guard and put them in rest position. The combined power of the two units is added onto this unit’s attack. This unit has to attack the moment this skill is activated.

La primera parece una interesante carta para Kagero. Lo usas de grado 2, y aunque no pueda atacar, en el siguiente turno, tu grado 3 tendrá 2 críticos (parece que para toda la partida).

Promise Daughter (Grade 2/Oracle Think Tank/9000 Power)
Look at the top card of your Deck. Send the card(s) to the Drop Zone until you decide to leave the card at the top.

Sí, esa es la carta de Oracle Think Tank que sale en la portada. Esperemos que no la pongan en rareza muy alta, que a mi me gusta mucho. Parece interesante para Oracle Think Tank, pues puedes ver la primera carta de tu baraja, y desecharla si no te interesa.


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